8:00 am - 4:30 pm Weekdays


Kura kōhungahunga o Kimihia

Our preschool is a busy, bustling learning space that caters for children from about 3 until they leave to school between 5 and 6 years old.

Our preschool room maintains responsive relationships and a settled, nurturing daily rhythm, while expanding opportunities for the growing confidence and competence of young children.

During this period children are eager to explore, try new things, practice their skills and increasingly become masterful in using language and participating in the world with others. Our preschool curriculum focuses on ensuring a rich environment, responsive relationships and engaging play-based learning.

Our kaiako guide and provide a socially dynamic, play-based day focused on their interests and passions. Our preschool curriculum, rhythms and routines support children to become increasingly able to manage themselves, independently play, work on projects and share in collaborative ventures with their friends.

Get started by booking a visit