Kimihia Early Learning Centre meets the legal requirements of Education (Early Childhood Services) Regulations 2008, Licensing criteria for center-based ECE services, and other legislated obligations. We use Te Whāriki – He whāriki mātauranga mō ngā mokopuna o Aotearoa Early Childhood Curriculum. These are key in the Ministry of Education’s guidance on the provision of early learning services. Kaiako work collaboratively with all tamariki/children and whānau, but at Kimihia every child has a lead kaiako/key teacher.
Your child’s kaiako/teacher is considered their primary caregiver in the centre and will take responsibility for;
Kaiako assess and plan for learning based on the Learning Outcomes of Te Whāriki. We actively ensure you can join in with us in supporting your child’s learning. We utilise our local community as a learning context.
All teaching and learning documentation is shared directly with whānau via our online platform.
Our nursery caters for children from birth to around 2 and a half years old. It provides all the care facilities you would expect including a spacious sleep room, bathroom and changing area and kitchen and kai facilities in our ample playroom
Kimihia Preschool and Nursery is located at 85 Aldwins Road, Phillipstown On the Te Aratai College grounds, off the second carpark.
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